Postpartum Health Regimen

It seems nowadays, everyone is more health conscious. Even if you look at the younger crowd, it’s the “In Thing” to be healthy. Growing up with a crunchy mom (yes mom…I categorize you as that lol) my sister and I were raised to eat well and be mindful of what we were putting in our bodies. We probably didn’t realize it at the time, but the groundwork was getting laid for our adult selves. Sure we went through a period as teenagers eating garbage and not caring, but in the end, we came back to our mother’s crunchy ways. It wasn’t until I decided to get pregnant with my first child that I really started to research what I should be consuming for a healthy pregnancy and what kind of postpartum health regimen I should have.

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While pregnant with my first, the only vitamins I took were pre-natal ones. Once I gave birth, I thought I didn’t need them anymore, but after some research, I discovered that since I was breastfeeding, it was important that I continue to take vitamins. With my second pregnancy, I dove in deeper to see what I needed. And the more kids I had, the more I realized that my nutrients were depleting. When it came to my 3rd pregnancy I started having miscarriages. I realized something wasn’t right. At that point, I had been breastfeeding straight for 6 years! My body was continuously working on making milk and I was not compensating for the nutrients or supplementing for what I was losing. I was always so tired, my period was super irregular, and my skin, hair, and nails were in horrible shape. Altogether, I just felt unhealthy.

Even though I was eating as much healthy food as I could, it just didn’t seem like it was enough. It turned out I had low progesterone and in turn a short luteal phase, which was preventing me from keeping a pregnancy. I researched what vitamins and minerals were crucial for women to take before pregnancy, during, and postpartum. I decided that taking a prenatal vitamin wasn’t enough, and instead decided to take each supplement individually. Within a few weeks I could already feel a difference. And the next time I got pregnant, my rainbow baby stuck. I went on to have a healthy pregnancy with no complications as well as a smooth labor. I haven’t looked back ever since and I’ve stuck to this postpartum health regimen.


I would say personally iron is at the top of my supplement must-haves. During pregnancy, iron is crucial for the mother as well as the growing fetus. An iron deficiency puts you at a higher risk of premature labor and low birth weight. Postpartum, iron is essential to combat iron deficiency and anemia from the loss of blood and lochia. Low iron can also put you at greater risk for postpartum depression. I lost so much blood after my last pregnancy and really felt the effects until my higher iron supplement kicked in. This is the one I take daily. I love it because it does not bother my stomach at all and is very easy to digest. Iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed by the body but is not to be consumed with dairy. Vitamin C is amazing to keep your immune system running high and aids in the healing of wounds and tissues.

Magnesium & Calcium

These two minerals work hand in hand. For your body to properly absorb and use calcium, it needs to be taken with magnesium. During pregnancy, if you do not consume enough calcium, your body will deplete its stores to give to your growing baby. Which in turn can place you at high risk for bone loss and upping your chances of developing osteoporosis. As I have osteoporosis in my family, I need to be very mindful of my intake. I also completely cut dairy for 3-4 months postpartum, so a calcium supplement is a must! On the other hand, magnesium during pregnancy can help your uterus from contracting prematurely. It also helps build strong bones and teeth for your baby. Magnesium was a lifesaver for the muscle spasms I was getting in the middle of the night. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety, helps you get a restful sleep, and lowers blood pressure. All amazing reasons to keep taking it postpartum.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D also goes hand in hand with calcium. Without vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium. Which makes it important to take during and after pregnancy. After birth, deficiency can be a factor in postpartum depression. Also, a lack while breastfeeding will transfer to your baby, affecting growing teeth and bones.


If you’re thinking of conceiving, zinc is a very important mineral for both the female and male reproductive systems. In men, it produces healthy sperm, and in women, boosts progesterone levels to help maintain a pregnancy. A deficiency can cause you to have a short luteal phase in turn putting you more at risk of having a miscarriage. Postpartum, taking zinc will help keep your fragile immune system going as you heal from childbirth and sleepless nights.

Vitamin B

Vitamin Bs are all vital during pregnancy. Vitamin B6 can help keep morning sickness at bay, prevent preeclampsia, and helps with proper development of your baby’s nervous system and brain development. Folate and folic acid can help prevent birth defects and help support red blood cell production. B3 can help prevent miscarriages along with zinc. Pre-pregnancy and postpartum a Complex-B 100 vitamin has always helped keep my energy up.

Collagen Peptides

Collagen is a supplement I rely on postpartum to help rebuild and strengthen tissues in my uterus and help reduce bleeding. Of course, the added benefits it has for my skin, nails, and hair is a bonus that keeps me taking it. I lose so much hair after birth, and it really helps it grow back in quickly. I love throwing it into my smoothie every morning. With that, I also take a hair, skin, and nail vitamin with biotin for healthy hair and nails. And vitamin C and E for glowing skin.

There you have it, my postpartum health regimen. These are all supplements I’ve been taking for 4 years straight now. When I slack on some of them, I feel a difference. Of course, I try and get the best nutrition I can from food. But with 4 kids at home 24/7, 365 days a year, I’m not on the ball as I wish I were. Thank you for stopping by today!

In no way am I a doctor or am I giving medical advice in this article. This is just what has worked for me. Always speak and consult with your health care provider before starting any kind of supplement regimen.


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